Thanksgiving dinner notes

Dry brine a Ho-Ka turkey using this recipe:

Order the turkey from Nature’s Best for pick-up on Monday before Thanksgiving. 2019 note: For 10 people, buy a 12# turkey. I was able to fit (barely) a 17lb turkey into the metal 9 x 13 pan for the drying phase in the fridge. A 17lb turkey took about 3 hours total roasting time. Save the carcass, skin, wing tips, etc. for stock.

Regular stuffing: “Simple is Best” Dressing. Make a day ahead and bake the first time following instructions. Bake the 2nd time after the turkey is out of the oven.

Cornbread stuffing: Make cornbread muffins on Tuesday and cut into cubes. Cut wheat bread into cubes. Bake all the cubes at 250 degrees for several hours, stirring every 20 minutes or so, to thoroughly dry out. Cut a 1# loaf of good sandwich bread into cubes and bake at 250 degrees for several hours, stirring every 20 minutes or so, to thoroughly dry out. Do ahead: chop celery and onions. Thanksgiving morning, make the stuffing and bake until almost done. Reheat in oven at 250 right before serving.

Gluten-free stuffing: Use TJ’s GF stuffing mix in a box. Buy a few weeks ahed as they sometimes run out.

Salad/side dish

Fennel Salad with Blood Oranges and Walnuts

Kale apple salad:…

Brussels sprouts slaw with Asian citrus dressing (from Nom Nom Paleo, but the recipe on her site requires constant scrolling and so is really hard to follow)

Low-Carb Broccoli Gratin with Swiss and Parmesan

Crustless pumpkin pie: use the recipe on the can of Libby’s pumpkin puree. Bake in the 10″ pie plate at 325 for 55-65 minutes.

Smitten Kitchen’s recipe for pecan pie is really good, but use light brown sugar instead of dark.

Bob’s Red Mill GF all-purpose flour works fine – about 1/2 cup. Simmer the turkey neck and giblets in a box of chicken stock for several hours. Deglaze the roasting pan drippings with water. Separate the fat and in a large skillet mix fat with flour, stirring until smooth. Cook several minutes, stirring constantly until boiling. Gradually add the rest of the pan drippings and the broth that’s been simmering with the turkey neck and giblets. Save the neck and giblets for making stock at another time.

2015 menu

  • Roast turkey
  • Cornbread stuffing
  • Gluten-free stuffing
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Gravy
  • Brussels sprouts slaw with Asian citrus dressing
  • Homemade applesauce
  • Cranberry orange relish
  • Pecan pie
  • Crustless pumpkin pie
  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Whipped cream