One-pot pasta with tomatoes

LD note: This is a good base recipe to which you can add any number of extra ingredients. My favorite is to add cooked, crumbled spicy Italian sausage along with a bag of arugula or baby spinach just before serving. I also like to sauté the onions and maybe some mushrooms before adding everything else to the pot.

Throw it all in the pot, INCLUDING the uncooked pasta, and cook! Bring it to a boil, and then reduce to a simmer. The starch leaches out of the pasta and makes a rich, warm sauce for the noodles. The other ingredients cook right along with the pasta. From Simply the Best You…Healthy and Happy.

12 ounces pasta (I used linguine)
1 can (15 ounces) diced tomatoes, undrained (plain or a seasoned flavor)
1 large sweet onion, cut in julienne strips (I sauté in the pan first, but you don’t need to)
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
2 teaspoons dried oregano leaves
2 large sprigs basil, chopped
4 cups vegetable broth (regular broth and NOT low sodium)
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Parmesan cheese for garnish


Place pasta, tomatoes, onion, garlic, basil, in a large stock pot. Pour in vegetable broth. Sprinkle on top the pepper flakes and oregano. Drizzle top with oil.

Cover pot and bring to a boil. Reduce to a low simmer and keep covered and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes or so. Cook until almost all liquid has evaporated, being careful to not overcook the pasta. It will continue to absorb liquid after you turn off the burner.

Season to taste with salt and pepper, stirring pasta several times to distribute the liquid in the bottom of the pot. Serve garnished with Parmesan cheese.